Welcome, again. I sell music-mix services here at this Web App. About Mixtapes: Worldwide, a "mixtape," is now considered to be a DJ-mixed "set" or "session" that has a DJ's unique, audio ID. A DJ's Audio ID is their "unique sound-effect" that is the DJ's mix-mark.
Believe it or not, I hate dirty competition. While this App, delivers a 50% discount compared to a live DJ, I'm a DJ, I would never compete with my own cohorts, that's dirty competition. Instead, you can use this if your customer has a hard time affording an in-person DJ.
To reach the site, use the Chat Box. To reach the DJ, use: +1.702.816.1896. You can text or cal 24 /7. If you don't get to a live person when you reach out, you can leave voicemail. This isn't a voice-heavy business. It's an automated Web App.
This site , https://dj-experience.app (also dj-mixtapes.com) , is "quadruple-copyright-protected." In addition to independent, artistic copyright protection, it is Creative Commons "copyright-protected" as follows: CC: BY NC ND, and, it is "ordinary-copyright-protected" as an original work of art. That is "four-layers" of copyright protection (one artistic copyright protection and three designations in Creative Commons copyright, four layers). I prosecute copyright infringers to the full extent of court. This is my "streaming, DJ show service." All content was created and designed by me, Michael T. Widener (Multi-Media Designer); and, developed by me, Michael T. Widener (Front-End Web Developer). All my mixtape streams are ℗ 1989 – Today: Phantom Records, GP (General Partnership) & ℗ 1989 – Today: Michael T. Widener. All rights are reserved. Founded in 2018. This site last updated: 15 February 2025: minor grammatical revisions. Michael Widener is the U.S.'s only legal, digital (streaming), Mix-Tape supplier. Our DJ follows all U.S. "DJ-regulations" for this site.
"Cookies" on my site improve your visit because my "cookies" only track pages that stall, and make you wait too long to get around. My site tells me so my "cookies" are always on.