Other pages or mixes are rated according to the following standards, but those ratings are for older mixes. The new mixes from 2024 and beyond are Rated AGE-21+.
AGE-21+ (21 and older): Expect language, themes & sounds one expects from Streaming Movies and Streaming Television shows rated TV-R: for 21 year olds and older only. Recommended for listeners or viewers who are at the local drinking age or older.
TV-18 (18 and older): Expect language, themes & sounds one expects from Streaming Movies and Streaming Television shows rated TV-18: for 18 year olds and older.
TV-16 (16 and older): Expect language, themes & sounds one expects from Streaming Movies and Streaming Television shows rated TV-16: for 16 year olds and older.
TV-14 (14 and older): Expect language, themes & sounds one expects from Streaming Movies and Streaming Television shows rated TV-14: for 14 year olds and older.
TV-G (Up to 5 years old): Expect language, themes & sounds one expects from Streaming Movies and Streaming Television shows rated TV-G: General Audience.
Youth 5 (5 - 14 years old): There is no specific rating for children ages 5 - 14 years old. But if there were I would call it "Youth 5+."
This site , https://dj-experience.app (also dj-mixtapes.com) , is "quadruple-copyright-protected." In addition to independent, artistic copyright protection, it is Creative Commons "copyright-protected" as follows: CC: BY NC ND, and, it is "ordinary-copyright-protected" as an original work of art. That is "four-layers" of copyright protection (one artistic copyright protection and three designations in Creative Commons copyright, four layers). I prosecute copyright infringers to the full extent of court. This is my "streaming, DJ show service." All content was created and designed by me, Michael T. Widener (Multi-Media Designer); and, developed by me, Michael T. Widener (Front-End Web Developer). All my mixtape streams are ℗ 1989 – Today: Phantom Records, GP (General Partnership) & ℗ 1989 – Today: Michael T. Widener. All rights are reserved. Founded in 2018. This site last updated: 15 February 2025: minor grammatical revisions. Michael Widener is the U.S.'s only legal, digital (streaming), Mix-Tape supplier. Our DJ follows all U.S. "DJ-regulations" for this site.
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