Unlink other websites, we don't list every DJ mix on planet earth. There are thousands of them. Further, we don't list them because those are meant for DJs to buy to play at their DJ parties (paid events when the DJ is receiving pay, not donated events when a custom hires a DJ then doesn't pay), and are used to "fill up" as many as 48-hours of music. That's a lot of music!
(That 48-hours of music would be for something like a weekend yacht party. The mix would play in the background all weekend long and the party host would turn it up or down or even add to it or turn it off if they like to mix in their own DJ set for fun.)
This website is not a Business to Business site. I'm a DJ and I'm not here to sell to other DJs, (that would be business to business, or B2B).
I'm here to sell directly to customers that aren't in the market for a DJ mix in the conventional sense of the phrase. They want Fitness mixes, background music for driving around or traveling across country. It's a very different market.
So here you are. Mixes meant for your way of listening. Here's a brief breakdown of the mix categories I made:
Our Three Mix Categories:
1. Fitness Mixes.
2. Event Mixes.
3. Our DJ's Diaries.
This web page last updated: 14 February 2025.
A/V MIxes (Audio-Video-mixes) are the "new kids on the block!" DJs use video editing software to perform, live, video edits of existing videos and play them synchronized to the custom-mix they are DJ-ing, LIVE!
We don't do that here. Performing live across an Internet connection is fraught with problems (including legal ones). Additionally, it's eats up data like nobody's business!
Instead, we edit music to video footage that is obtained legally, using licensed footage and we pay the fee to use it this way, and have always done this.
Our DJ is a Multimedia expert and knows where and how to obtain digital "assets" (as the are called in the design professions), to use "lawfully," in his work.
The video you're seeing is one of his "samples" of his "video DJ-timing" ability and he also used this in his first, of two Senior Thesis projects he completed in college.
Our DJ / Owner, Michael, loves editing multimedia.
These are audio-only mixes, the usual fare for a DJ-mix.
These mixes are available to stream from our site but we do not offer anything physical or downloadable, because we won't encourage music piracy.
We know how to obtain music legally, and to how to use it in DJ-ing legally.
But 9 out of ten peole in the United States eithe don't know or don't care so we won't allow them to use our mix that way.
If you hear our mix playing somewhere and the person has a physical or downloaded, digital copy, that was not intentional.
Report them to the RIAA or to us. You can use our chat box to do it 24 /7. You don't need a reply from us, we have copies of all messages sent there.
These are self-explanatory and are roughly ten tracks each.
We charge the same price for all of our mixes, $45.
We simplified our pricing so the prices displayed will soon display $45 no matter the length o f the mix.
For custom mixes, they are always up-to-ten songs and now more no matter what, for $45.
They usually range between seven and ten songs. The DJ making your custom mix has the final say.
In our world, "the DJ is always right!"
Featuring Star Trek & Tomb Raider video footage. Includes timed, animated "particle systems," performed "live" and timed with the music.
Our exclusive Star Trek-inspired, Video -game mix for fans of those brands! We love this one because it blends video and audio from two of our favorite shows!
This video is Rated G. It streams from Vimeo. Please be patient if the video does not load immediately, and check your settings for more.
THIS VIDEO IS RATED 16+: For 16-year-olds, and older. It contains two profane words: "f*ck" (spoken one time), and "b*tches" (spoken several times). Those two words are part of a 60-second music segment of the total five minute documentary. They are rap-lyrics, timed, and visually beat-matched to the music. The video streams from Vimeo. Please be patient if the video does not load immediately, and check your settings for more.
We all know what a "break-up" mix is. It's when you make a playlist to blast to try to take your mind off of the fact that you're about to be single again.
But what's a "break-out" mix? A "break-out" mix is when you realize, before your "boo boo" does, that's she might be crazy. So you've got to "break-out" of the relationship with as little drama as possible.
Everyone has their signature style but a music mix is essential. I'll show you how it's done so you can dodge that "next big breakup" with style and, amazingly, drama-free!
These are all the rage! These are the slow songs we play when we know we've "closed the deal," so to speak!
You've go to know your baby-doll pretty well to know what she loves to dance to!
Hopefully, she's not a tease, or a rubik's cube, and she's already told you. Guessing is no fun!
So to "open the event," you need a playlist, usually, but with us, you can "take it to the final level" and add a custom-made, studio-produced D mix-set, of a few seconds, to add a permanent "oof," to your reputation in the relationship!
Winning and loving each other competivitely has never been so easy and so affordable. All for just $45. And you can hear a preview before we finalize it so you can make a minor change if the DJ allows it.
These are exclusive to DJ-experience. These are personal mixes that chronicale his real-life romances.
While they don't mention any names, you can click them and read the story about each one, once the story is published. It takes a very long time sometimes to get past something. Especially if it's a pattern you're trying to break.
Once you "crack your own code" to becoming assertive, self-confident, and independent (emotionally-speaking), you're ready to face your story, ,and not just "face it," but "OWN IT!"
DJ-experience® owns his choices, and his DJ-mixed Diaries can help you avoid the mistakes me made, and open your eyes about how to survive them. Which will help a lot of people open their eyes.
The video above is a multimedia composite of several love-moments between all colors of people and all color-combinations. I delibertately wanted to show the "adoring" moments we see all at once. I even included a person with their "partner in crime," their beloved pet.
My favorite is the dancing couple. That's me; that's my "love language" hands down.
to demonstrate my video-editing "timing" which is akin to a DJ's video editing timing, in production, not live, I added the trailer to the movie Kiss of the Dragon in to the track.
See the juxpositio of the loving slow song, and the action-packed movie trailer expertly weaved in, to this amazing mix-taped, DJ-edited video.
the video above was created with Photoshop, Apple Final Cut Pro, and various audio editing packages.
This web page last updated: 14 February 2025.
This site , https://dj-experience.app (also dj-mixtapes.com) , is "quadruple-copyright-protected." In addition to independent, artistic copyright protection, it is Creative Commons "copyright-protected" as follows: CC: BY NC ND, and, it is "ordinary-copyright-protected" as an original work of art. That is "four-layers" of copyright protection (one artistic copyright protection and three designations in Creative Commons copyright, four layers). I prosecute copyright infringers to the full extent of court. This is my "streaming, DJ show service." All content was created and designed by me, Michael T. Widener (Multi-Media Designer); and, developed by me, Michael T. Widener (Front-End Web Developer). All my mixtape streams are ℗ 1989 – Today: Phantom Records, GP (General Partnership) & ℗ 1989 – Today: Michael T. Widener. All rights are reserved. Founded in 2018. This site last updated: 15 February 2025: minor grammatical revisions. Michael Widener is the U.S.'s only legal, digital (streaming), Mix-Tape supplier. Our DJ follows all U.S. "DJ-regulations" for this site.
"Cookies" on my site improve your visit because my "cookies" only track pages that stall, and make you wait too long to get around. My site tells me so my "cookies" are always on.